Revolutionizing Dentures: Exploring Implant-Supported Solutions

Dentures serve as a conventional method for replacing missing teeth, but they can often slip out of place, posing a challenge. To address this issue, implant partials or implant-supported dentures are crafted as a more stable alternative.

The implant supported dentures in King of Prussia, PA use cutting-edge technology and dentist’s expertise to replace the lost teeth, thereby restoring your oral form, function, and aesthetics. 

Exploring implant partials

Implant partials, often referred to as snap-in dentures, represent a cutting-edge solution for replacing missing teeth. Unlike conventional dentures, these offer enhanced stability and flexibility.

Typically, 4 to 5 implants are inserted based on individual needs and considerations. Once the implants are integrated into the jaw, an implant-retained or implant-supported denture, also known as an overdenture, can be attached. The overdenture may be fixed permanently or designed to be removable for ease of cleaning.

Dental implants are screw-like devices that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to mimic lost tooth roots and provide a stable foundation for permanent restorations.

Unraveling the benefits of implant partials

There are several benefits associated with implant partials when compared to conventional dentures:

  1. Implant partials are more stable, yet they can be removed daily. 
  2. These help improve chewing ability, thus you will be able to eat harder and stickier foods.
  3. Implant partials fit better and are more comfortable. 
  4. There is minimal risk of friction on the gums.
  5. Implant partials are more natural-looking than conventional dentures.
  6. They help preserve the jawbone, and further bone loss is prevented. 

Dental implant placement for snap-in dentures

  1. The first step in implant placement involves an examination of your missing teeth, gums, and jawbone. Dental X-rays help determine the amount of jawbone and if it is healthy enough to support the dental implant. 
  2. Dental implant placement is an outpatient procedure (doesn’t require hospitalization) and may be done under local or general anesthesia (a numbing agent). 

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Your oral surgeon will make small incisions (cuts) on the gums to expose the underlying jawbone. 
  2. Holes will be drilled deep into the bone where the implant post (this mimics the tooth root) will be inserted.
  3. Your surgeon allows 2 to 4 months for the implants to fuse with the jawbone forming a strong enough anchor for the snap-in dentures. 
  4. Once the jawbone heals and osseointegration has occurred, the final implant partials will be created and attached to the dental implants. 

Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for replacing teeth lost to decay, injury, or gum disease. Implant partials employ dental implants surgically placed into the jawbone to anchor replacement teeth. This method offers increased stability while improving both oral function and appearance.