The way online reviews work

Before you decide to utilize the best buy deals,  you need to find out how the products have been reviewed by those who used them before. That is only possible once you know how the online customer reviews work

Sites like Product Review, Yelp, Angie List and TopTenREVIEWS provide reviews by customer of various businesses. Anybody can visit the sites and write a review. While the sites do encourage customers in using their actual names, and Yelp asking for a photo of the customer, the requirement which is compulsory is an email address.

Customers are normally given reviews guidelines and asked in allocating a star rating for a service or product which has been reviewed. The sites then utilize an algorithm, which is a mathematical formula in filtering out any reviews which tend to be suspected as generated automatically or false. The remaining reviews are posted on the page.

When several reviews get posted, the site then uses the data to average the star rating to give the product or business an overall rating. Reviews normally appear in order of date, but you can easily search them by the star rating or the site has a discretion of reordering them. Reviewers that post a lot of reviews tend to get higher status with their reviews given higher prominence.

Majority of the review sites do allow businesses to claim their business page and joining the site as a member. There are sites that offer businesses to have access to the tools online which then allow you in tracking responds and reviews privately to the reviewers.

Specialized sites for reviewing

The sites which have specialized review tend to operate the same as the general review sites except that they do focus on a certain category of the business.  Two site which are known for specialization are Zomato, reviewing restaurants and establishments in the same category and TripAdvisor that specializes in reviews which are related to holiday.

But every day, there are sites which keep springing up on a regular basis with review sites found for real estate agents, doctors,  electronics, makeup and much more. For some sites, they require proof that the customer was able to use the service or product for that particular business but for some, they don’t.

Websites for retailers

Websites for retailers are set up primarily in selling products but most currently allow customers to post their reviews also. The site which is largest of such is Amazon featuring millions of reviews and products.

Anyone that posts reviews on Amazon has to have an Amazon account and has to be able to demonstrate that, they have purchased via Amazon, but they don’t need to have bought that particular product which they are reviewing. Amazon has a detailed guideline on the way customer can review and also allow those who are associated with the product to be able to respond to the reviews from customers.


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